Monday, June 7, 2010

Be Young Essential Oils

For a complete list of Essential oils, visit the Be Young Web page. See me for prices as Enlightened Homemaker prices are discounted. Here are the oils I have in my medicine cabinet:

Bay Laural $22

Can help
regulate the lymphatic system as well as stimulate the formation of lymphocytes. Lymphatic drainage helps speed healing by untrapping the blood proteins in the body.

Birch $15

Birch oil can help treat arthritis, sore or stiff muscles, bone and joint pain. Birch can be used with eucalyptus to help treat rheumatic conditions. Great to use as a compress for acne and congestion.

Breathe $29

The healing properties of this oil blend make it extremely effective in clearing out allergies, colds, bronchitis and any type of respiratory congestion, flu, pneumonia, sinusitis, sore throats and mucus. Great to help the little ones breath easier at night when congested. Great oil for the asthmatic.

Chiro Touch $29

This blend helps to deeply relax and release tension. Helps to relax the
myofascia that holds the muscles to the spine and other joints. This allows the whole body to straighten and realign. Great used with Fysical
Touch oil.

Di-Gest $26

Supports the digestive system, easing discomfort and healing root cause of digestive discomfort. Digest blend is best known for helping to slow down rapid digestion, preventing or calming down an upset stomach, alleviating indigestion, stopping stomach cramps and help with belching, bloating and heartburn.
Great to use for a colicky baby.

Eucalyptus $15

Eucalyptus has long been used to treat respiratory conditions. It clears the head and mind. It is used as an expectorant and decongestant. Great for use in ear infections to open up the
Eustachian tubes to drain ears when used behind the ear on the ear bone. Antiseptic use also.

Frankincense $53

Can be a powerful anti-depressant. Useful with anxiety, nervous tension, depression by helping to calm the mental state. Useful in healing and treating wounds, stimulating the immune system, strengthening the respiratory system and useful for acne.

Geranium $23

Geranium is used as an anti-inflammatory and a remedy for both emotional and physical wounds. Inhaled as an anti-depressant, used externally as an anti-inflammatory, used on wounds to stop bleeding, useful for eczema, psoriasis and lily skin. Great bug repellent.

Guardian $50

The fungus fighter. Powerful against yeast and athletes foot.

Helichrysum $88

For anyone with scorpions, you want this in your cabinet. It helps to stop the sting of the venom in it's track. Powerful as an anti-inflammatory. Great for viral and bacterial infections.

Lavender $20

One of the most versatile and widely used oils. Stops itching on the skin, calming in the bath, reduces muscle tension, calms asthma and digestive
system, antiseptic, lowers blood pressure, natural insect repellent, restores hormonal balance.

Lemon $14

Natural antibacterial oil. Great to diffuse in the home in place of harmful cleaners. Helps to detoxify the liver. Can help to
decongest the chest and calm an acidic stomach.

Lemongrass $16

Acts as a deodorant and purifier for oily skin. Useful to kill warts. Eases muscular spasm, sprains and strains. Great for use as a deodorizer in the home in laundry and carpets with baking soda.

Liver cleanse pack $40

Peppermint oil and lemon oil work together to help detoxify the liver along with eucalyptus.

Mars $22

This oil helps to balance and regulate testosterone overload. Great for men but also great to help women regulate their testosterone level as well.

Orange $12

Great for use on skin to help with skin regeneration. It is said to help with the formation of collagen. Helpful in digestion, tension, healing of colds and viruses and wonderful to use in a spray bottle with water to clean with.

Oregano $24

The best broad-range antibiotic in the medicine chest. Use to help kill bacteria or use when you feel an illness coming on. Helps to kill yeast issues and parasites.

Peppermint $16

Helpful to relieve headaches and stress. Calms a sick stomach. Detoxifies the liver. Calms coughs and asthma. Relaxes muscle strain. Takes away a bee sting immediately.

Physical Touch $29

A blend of oils designed to relieve muscle stress and aches. Anyone who has athletes in the family needs this in their medicine chest. Apply directly to sore or sprained muscles along with heat or cold to help relax the muscle. Great for arthritis and inflammation.

Spice for Life $29

Powerful on viruses and bacterial infections. Take at the early onset of illnesses to stop germs in their tracks. Great to use in a spray bottle with water to clean the whole house. From windows to counters. Great to use for a toothpaste to kill bacteria and keep gums healthy.

Tea Tree $22

One of the most used oils in the bunch. Antiviral protection for colds, fevers and flu. Anti fungal properties can help protect from athlete's foot and yeast issues. Great on cuts and abrasions to kill bacteria and on acne.

Tic a Boo $21

A blend designed to
detoxify and release anything from the body that is draining: food poisoning, athlete's foot, bacteria, fungus, germs and parasites of any kid.

Venus $22

A blend of oils designed to balance the female hormones. Helpful for PMS mood swings and cramps. May be helpful for anxiety and depression.

The essential oils desk reference book is available to guide you through all the oils and their uses. It is a book by symptoms to let you know just what oils you should use and how. A must for anyone wanting to learn how to use essential oils. $55

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